
How to calculate the consumption of dry powder putty ?

 how to calculate the consumption of dry powder putty ?

Theoretical consumption: 0.8 ~ 1 kg / square meter (batch scrap thickness 0.5mm ~ 1mm, once) dry powder putty dosage = theoretical consumption × batch scraping putty area batch putty area = room building area × (2.5 ~ 3)

1.When the putty is scraped, why should the construction temperature be above 5 °C?

The dissolution of organic additives in putty needs to be at a certain temperature, the ambient temperature of the construction is low, the dissolution rate of the putty additive is very slow, and the additive cannot be fully dissolved, which will affect the construction performance and the film quality at the later stage, resulting in waste of additives.

2.Why is the thickness of the putty to be controlled between 1mm and 1.5mm?

The disposable scraping thickness of the putty is directly proportional to the solidification shrinkage strength, and the increase of the shrinkage strength is proportional to the cracking tendency of the putty. As the thickness of the putty increases, the curing shrinkage strength increases, and the tendency of cracking increases. Therefore, the thickness of the scraping is less than 1mm, which can effectively reduce the curing shrinkage strength and avoid the cracking of the putty; however, if the scraping  thickness  is too thin, the putty layer will lose water too quickly and cause powdering. Therefore, the thickness of the scraping is required. More than 1mm. If the thickness of a single batch is greater than 1.5mm, a coarse leveling putty may be used.

 3.Why should the front wall of the putty be cleaned without ash?

Batch putty is actually the bonding process between putty and wall. The bond is firm and strong, and the putty does not crack during the curing process. If there is floating ash or loose wall surface, the putty layer can not be firmly bonded to the wall surface. In the environment where the putty is solidified or the temperature and humidity of the four seasons change, the putty undergoes infinite repeated contraction and expansion, and displacement occurs. Sliding causes the putty to crack.

4.Why should the putty be stirred and left for a few minutes before mixing?

It takes a certain time for various organic additives in the putty to dissolve in water. If it is not fully dissolved, it will affect the construction performance and the film quality at the later stage, resulting in waste of additives.

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